20 Ways to Communicate and Thrive During the CV Crisis


Alright, all jokes aside, we are taking this seriously and at the same time, what’s life without a little humor? Hopefully, you’ve loaded up on TP or installed your very own bidet. Either way, we want you all to know how seriously we are taking this and how much we care about each and every one of you. There is lots of love coming from the Lifestyle team to our community. And while experts say the virus affects mostly people with existing immune system problems and people that are above 50, it is drastically affecting the economy and how businesses are being run right now. With everything going on, we wanted to provide some helpful info so our clients and community can thrive during this time and so you can provide massive value to your customer base. 

Over the last week, we’ve had several emergency marketing meetings with clients being immediately affected by this and below are just some quick hitters to help you all out, just some ideas we’ve drummed up during the last week. 

  1. If you’re going to send a mass email, start with the customer in mind and provide as much value as humanly possible. Forget your offering, forget your product and think about the human at the end of that communication. 

  2. Rethink how you deliver your offering or provide massive social proof. That’s your safest option. For example, one of our clients works in senior homes so we’ve shifted our efforts from in-person training to a subscription model that is all done virtually.

  3. If you’re in the service industry (ie in home sales or service) think about doing virtual estimates or first meetings. You’ll differentiate and save on gas. 

  4. Are any of your customers sitting at home right now because their industry is shut down? Use this time to get them into action toward your product.

  5. Take a stance and tie your industry to the current crisis. This is the time to provide value to your customers.

  6. Use this downtime to add to your offerings and expand your revenue streams

  7. Use this time to go domestic and support US based companies to produce your product

  8. Gather every logo and accreditation you can think of and add it to your site

  9. Create CV specific landing pages to increase trust among your customers - this trust can in turn increase conversion rates

  10. Tie your solution to helping with prevention (make sure it’s true though)

  11. Don’t be afraid to use humor in your marketing, memes gifs, etc. Assure that you’re taking it seriously but at the same time, have some fun. No matter what you do, in times like these people are going to be sensitive so no matter what you post, people will be offended so go for it! *Please note: if humor is not part of your typical brand persona this might not be the best tactic for your business. You want to stay on-brand and genuine to your customer base.

  12. Provide discounts to customers as they may be going through a financially hard time - and it’ll keep your sales steady

  13. Promote your local business and talk to your audience about supporting local even if they are scared

  14. Create a graphic about your sure-fire cleanliness process and the additions that were made

  15. Create a video from your CEO - people absorb video 10X faster than content. Be sure to include captions because 90% of videos are watched without sound

  16. Communicate across all platforms

    1. Facebook

    2. Instagram

    3. Snapchat

    4. TikTok

    5. Email

    6. Website

    7. Youtube

    8. Anything you can think of lol

  17. If you’re smart and have a lot of cash on hand, now is the time to boost your ad spend. When people get scared, they spend less, especially your competitors, so your CPC ( Cost Per Click) is going to plummet, use this as a time to thrive baby!

  18. Use a survey to get a gauge on your audience. Let’s face it, people have more time on their hands so now is the time to pull info from them. Whether it’s how you can provide value right now or in general how they feel about you, your offering, what you could do to expand, get feedback on a potential new offering, etc.

  19. This would be a great time to tap influencer marketing. When people have more time on their hands, they’ll spend more time on social media. Only do this if you have an offering that is easily purchased right now.

  20. Donate to causes you know are suffering right now and involve your audience. You can make huge impacts, promote your brand and get people giving. Win, win, win in Michael Scott’s own words.

There are plenty more things you can do but the last thing a business leader can do is panic with the rest. Use this time to be strong and thrive, get excited, crush it, get more resourceful than any of your competitors, this is a great time to thrive baby! Some experts see this bouncing back stronger in 3 months so use it to your advantage. Get into a great state of mind and come up with solutions, not excuses. If you have any questions or need any advice during this time don’t hesitate to book a time below or reach out. We love you all and wish you massive health and success during these crazy times!