Why December is a Great Time to Spend on Marketing

The holidays are here and while they are full of family, gifting, giving and so much more, as a marketing agency, we posed the question: Why is December a great month for our clients and potential clients to spend money on marketing? 

The biggest reason would be tax benefits. It’s true if you don’t use it, you lose it and whatever money you don’t spend and is left over as profit will be taxed for the year. If you’re wanting to spend money on marketing, but haven’t pulled the trigger, the best time to do it is when you’d get 25%+ off. I mean, it’s almost like black Friday for business owners. It really can be like getting a discount on something that is only going to provide your company more value. If you’re looking at some decent profit this year, that’s incredible news, but if there is enough left over to save some money on your taxes, why not grow your business at the same time? 

Apart from essentially getting some huge discounts, there are other ancillary benefits. 

December is when people’s eyes are on spending. Even if your product isn’t the sexy new iPhone, it’s a great time to get your product in front of people who already have spending on their minds. Even if they don’t buy right now, your marketing efforts aren’t lost, as January can show a second surge in spending. And what are they going to buy is the thing they put on the back burner as their next big purchase. 

If you’re B2B, reason one is another great reason to get to the marketing table. Your customers are thinking the same as you. “What do I need that would save some tax dollars next year?”

If you’re B2C, December is a time where work ethic can often drop significantly. So where will people spend their time? Online browsing social media, meandering on Google for things they may need soon, watching the latest cat video on YouTube, and a ton more. 

It’s can also be a slow time for a lot of agencies. Their clients can often take long Christmas vacations leading to some extra bandwidth and more time for your project. 

You’ll also go into the New Year ahead of the game and ready to crush your yearly goals. What a nice feeling it can be to start the year ahead of the game with one less thing to accomplish, so you can focus on other high priority projects. 

It’s also a great time to liquidate some dormant inventory, product or employee added bandwidth. 

I mean, we could go on and on, but December almost always shows a huge increase for us as next year’s planning is done and ready to go. Whatever your reason may be, December is an incredible time to get your marketing in a great place. Feel free to give us a shout if you’re interested in taking advantage of all these benefits. We’re always here to help! Even if you don’t, we wish you the best during the holiday season!