Why Now is the Time to Market and Provide Your Consumers Value!

First off, I want to send a lot of love to all of you and we really hope you, your families and companies are all safe during these crazy times. We are not medical experts so we won’t try to speak to anything related to the medical effects of COVID-19 but being in the industry we’re in, it has been a whirlwind of a few weeks. We have been on countless client calls devising new marketing strategies, revenue streams and helping clients understand what is going on with their marketing during all of this. It led us to do some serious research on what to do. We’ve analyzed it across countless platforms, industries, and product offerings. Below are some quick things we’ve found and the reality is, now is the time to take your companies to the next level. Not to manipulate or to take advantage, but to truly provide value to your customers. 

I was recently at a Tony Robbins event and one of the messages was that winter can be our season. I’ve seen the entire company’s revenue go to 0 in a day's time, but watched as incredible leaders bounce back and get more resourceful. Now is the time for us all to step up and lead our own ecosystems to thrive during this crazy time. Let’s all come together and help each other succeed through this. Let’s do something great when fear is at its peak. Let's be the light in a very dark time for some people. 

If you run a company or control marketing dollars, below are some reasons to spend more right now. We are fortunate to have clients who are savvy business people and have stocked up cash just for times like this, so while their competitors shrink, they expand massively.  Did you know 57% of fortune 500 companies were started during a down economy? It’s how Warren Buffet and Sir John Templeton made their riches and they are two of the most successful investors of all time. I could reiterate 1000 stories but you can do that research on your own. If you’re ready, now is time to thrive baby! 

Now some of you will say, my customer can’t even buy from me right now or my revenue model is completely shut down until this is all sorted and I get it. But if you have a solid marketing plan, thriving can be easy right now. See our previous blog for some ways to do so. People will be doing research and the below stats prove that consumers will be spending more time on their screens, social media, search engines, etc. over the next few weeks and potentially months. Who would you rather be: a company with a huge funnel of people cheering on a brand because of the value they provided them during this time? Or a company with 0 leads to follow up on once the dust settles? I wouldn’t dare answer for you, but I would hope our audience is smart enough to make that choice. So without further ado, let's freaking crush it baby!

Some quick stats to keep you fired up!

According to Nielsen:

  • Seattle/Tacoma saw a 22% increase in TV usage last week and a 104% increase in teens

  • Italy saw a 66% increase in live streaming on the likes of Facebook, Twitter, Youtube etc in the first weeks of February

According to the Guardian:

  • From 2007-2009 Google saw their profit skyrocket to 18%

  • And Facebook simply DOUBLED their staff during that same period

According to Forbes:

  • In 1990-91 McDonald’s decreased their advertising spend while Pizza Hut and Taco Bell increased theirs. McDonald’s saw a 28% drop in sales, while Pizza Hut’s sales grew by 61% and Taco Bell’s grew by 40%

According to Word Stream:

  • The finance industry saw spikes in searches (23%) and conversions (1%) and a huge drop in CPC’s (27%.) 

  • New Careers and vocational training saw +10% and +8% increases in search traffic.

  • Nonprofits, business management, e-gifting, health and medical, eCommerce, legal services and on-demand media are all seeing increases as well. 

  • These industries are being hit the hardest with lower search volume, conversions but also a decrease in CPC- travel/tourism, live entertainment, conferences, sports and fitness, building/construction and industrial/manufacturing.

Note from us, please check out our blog on how to thrive during all of this. Create new revenue streams and use this time to scale your company massively. 

According to our own data:

  • Home improvement searches are skyrocketing as people scramble to ensure their home is in tip-top shape or are finally spending enough time there to realize all of the issues. 

Whatever you decide to do, do it from a great place with your customer’s best interests in mind and be the light during their darkness. Provide them value, show them you care and in the end, you’ll come out of this thing way ahead. We wish you all the very best during all of this, never hesitate to reach out with any questions.