3 Marketing Tips For eCommerce Stores to Thrive on Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2019

The holidays are here and that means shopping, lots and lots of shopping. With all that, there comes the stress of trying to find the right deals that match the gift list to your own budget. As a business owner, you have your personal needs and then you also have to think about what is right for your eCommerce store. It can seem to be a daunting task to compete with large retailers’ revenue on these days because of the offers they can afford to give their consumers, but here are some ways to make up for it.  

Black Friday is no longer just an in-store shopping day, online sales make up a substantial amount of the revenue generated on this major deal day. BlackFriday.com predicts that the 2019 online sales will surpass $12 billion dollars! Because you are an online business your digital efforts will surely make all the difference. 

TIP 1: Holiday Marketing Emails  

Do this by sending out holiday marketing emails 3 times a week to alert your customer base of the awesome offerings you have coming. Be sure to make your subject lines stand out, as this determines if people will even open your email to begin with. You should start this at least 2 weeks before Black Friday and Cyber Monday, so your brand can gain some traction and excitement for the deals. Before you know it, your customers will be sending your deals to friends and this will not only generate more potential revenue, but is a great way to expand your customer base. 

TIP 2: Offer More Than Just A Discount 

This will mainly apply to those of you who offer a points-based system for your customers. You can offer 2x the points on all purchases which is a great incentive for consumers to sign up for your loyalty program. Another thing you can do is include free ‘mystery’ gifts or samples in every purchase throughout the Black Friday and Cyber Monday weekend.

TIP 3: Extend Your Deals

This is a great way to keep people shopping even after the rush. If you announce that your deal is extended right after Black Friday, you will see a surge in customers and generate more profits from those who didn’t get the chance to purchase your products before.

We hope that these tips will give you some ideas and help your business thrive this holiday season! Share this with your social feeds because you never know who could be looking for this info!