The Basket Brigade

Lifestyle is proud to share an event and foundation that is near and dear to our hearts.

The Basket Brigade is dedicated to feeding those in need and is an international, 100% volunteer-run program by the Tony Robbins Foundation. This event was built on the sediment that one act of generosity from caring people can change the lives of hundreds of people.

Among the volunteers, each group will organize baskets for families full of donations made by those in the community!  Whether it’s giving away one or thousands of baskets, the focus is the same: give from your heart and cherish every moment.

This event is one Lifestyle cherishes and looks forward to each year because it connects us further to two of our core values: Act with Integrity and Grow and Innovate. We love this cause because of the impact this simple act of kindness can have on the Jacksonville community.

We are always looking for more people to share in on this amazing experience! Do you want to join the Lifestyle team? The event is on Sunday, November 24th at 9AM. Be sure to let us know!

You can learn more about The Tony Robbins Foundation and how The Basket Brigade started here

See you there!